Dual-Boot Setup

Dual-Boot Setup

Following are the steps to get dual-boot working with GRUB; I figured out how to do this by looking at a similar procedure for LILO. I've verified that this works for Windows 2000 and Windows XP, and this should work on Windows NT (all 3 OSs use the same booting architecture).

1. Install GRUB on the first sector of the /boot partition. DO NOT INSTALL IT ON THE MBR!.

If you are performing the Red Hat installation, for the "Boot Loader Installation" screen:
o Select "Use GRUB as the boot loader"
o Select Install Boot Loader record on "...First sector of boot partition".
o After finishing the Red Hat installation, reboot into Linux. If you don't have a boot disk, try booting in linux rescue mode
If you already have Linux installed:
o Run the following command (e.g. assuming /boot is /dev/hda2): grub-install /dev/hda2.
If you don't know which partition contains /boot, run the df command and check the output.
o Edit /etc/grub.conf and make sure there is an entry for your version of Windows. For reference, here is a copy of my /etc/grub.conf file.
2. Determine which partition contains the /boot partition by running the df command. You'll see output like this:
4. Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
5. /dev/hda3 8665372 1639580 6585612 20% /
6. /dev/hda2 46636 5959 38269 14% /boot
7. /dev/hda6 513776 189504 324272 37% /osshare
8. none 256624 0 256624 0% /dev/shm
From this output, we see that /boot is on /dev/hda2.
9. Make a copy of the Linux boot sector onto a floppy or onto a FAT32 partition. We'll name this copy linux.bin.

To make a copy onto a floppy:
o Mount the floppy drive if it's not mounted (assumes /mnt/floppy exists): mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
o Run the following command: dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/mnt/floppy/linux.bin bs=512 count=1
Substitute the path for the if= parameter (the input file) with the appropriate partition from th


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